What to do in Kristiansand

Here are some tips for your holiday in Kristiansand, whether you're into theme parks, history, nature, shopping or relaxing boat trips.

The capital of southern Norway offers a wealth of fantastic experiences for the whole family – from Kristiansand Zoo and the Høyt & Lavt climbing park to cosy experiences at Viltgården and Setesdalsbanen and relaxation in Ravnedalen Nature Park or Posebyen.

Things to do

Kristiansand Cannon Museum – The world's second largest cannon

Visit Kristiansand Cannon Museum and experience the area's exciting war history first hand.

Setesdalsbanen – Kristiansand veteran railway

Take a trip back in time with Setesdalsbanen's impressive steam locomotive and charming teak carriages.

Kristiansand Zoo – Adventurous experiences in the world of animals and books

Norway's biggest family attraction, Kristiansand Zoo, offers unique experiences for holidaymakers of all ages.

Posebyen – Visit Kristiansand's charming old town

Any visit to Kristiansand should include a pleasant stroll among the historic white–painted houses of Posebyen.

Ravnedalen Nature Park – Kristiansand's beautiful natural pearl

Ravnedalen Nature Park is only one km from Kristiansand city centre. The idyllic natural area has enchanted locals and tourists alike since it opened in 1875. Here you can enjoy beautiful scenery, atm...

Høyt & Lavt Climbing Park – Fun and action for the whole family

Have a fun and challenging day in the climbing park Høyt & Lavt – Here the whole family can romp in the treetops, and the bravest can jump into the cable car Fjellvåken.

Pleasant boat trip through Blindleia

Take an idyllic boat trip through Blindleia – one of Norway's most beautiful coastlines.

Meet the king of the forest up close

At Viltgården you can get up close to the king of the forest. Elgtun's four tame elks live here and you can get up close and even feed them during your visit.