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Take the bus between Hirtshals and Aalborg

If you are on a cruise from Bergen or Stavanger with departures on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the bus to Aalborg will be waiting for you at the terminal in Hirtshals.

A round trip between Aalborg City Centre and Aalborg Storcenter is free with the same ticket (applies to the bus times in the tables below). The bus will be waiting for you on the quays when you arrive in Hirtshals. Aalborg Storcenter is a shopping centre with 75 shops and contains the largest Bilka store in Denmark. With an area of 49,000 m2, this is the biggest shopping centre in North Jutland. NB! Bilka Storcenter is closed on 09.05.

In Aalborg City Centre the bus stops near Rendsburggade 5 (Slotshotellet) Aalborg. The bus stops outside Entrance D of Aalborg Storcenter. Bus tickets should be bought when booking your trip or at the latest at check-in.

EUR 31 per person for a return trip

Bus timetable

Check the table below for departure and arrival times, as well as which days of the week this applies.

08.05.–20.06.2024 + 12.08.–01.09.2024 (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday)

Departure Arrival
Hirtshals terminal 08:30 Aalborg sentrum 09:20
Aalborg sentrum 09:20 Bilka Storcenter 09:40
Aalborg sentrum 13:00 Bilka Storcenter 13:25
Bilka Storcenter 17:45 Aalborg sentrum 18:05
Aalborg sentrum 18:10 Hirtshals terminal 19:00


On Fridays, there is a hotel bus from Hirtshals at 08.30 to Aalborg.


08.05.–20.06.2024 + 12.08.–01.09.2024 (Sunday, departure only from the hotels)

Departure Arrival
Scheelsminde 17:35
Zleep 17:50
Hvide hus 18:00
Pier 5/Cabinn 18:10 Hirtshals terminal 19:00